How to use langchain for creating AI Agent

Girish Kurup
2 min readAug 2, 2024


To create a voice AI agent using LangChain, you can follow these steps:

  1. **Understand LangChain**: LangChain is a framework that enables developers to build applications with large language models (LLMs) and external data sources¹.

2. **Install LangChain**: Begin by installing LangChain and its dependencies. You can do this using pip, the package manager for Python.

3. **Use LLM Wrappers**: LangChain provides wrappers for interacting with various LLMs from providers like OpenAI and Hugging Face¹.

4. **Create Prompt Templates**: Use prompt templates to dynamically generate prompts with user input¹.

5. **Combine Components with Chains**: Use chains to combine multiple components and build complex LLM applications¹.

6. **Utilize Embeddings and Vector Stores**: Store and retrieve relevant information from external data sources using embeddings and vector stores¹.

7. **Interact with External APIs**: Create agents that can interact with external APIs and perform actions².

8. **Implement the ReAct Framework**: Use the ReAct framework to enable language models to take actions and reason about them².

9. **Integrate Speech Recognition and Synthesis**: Combine LangChain with speech recognition and synthesis tools, such as Google Cloud Text-to-Speech, to give your agent voice capabilities³.

10. **Test Your System**: Test the system by giving voice commands and listening to the responses³.

Here’s an example of how you might set up a simple LangChain agent in Python:


from langchain.llms import OpenAI

from langchain.chains import SimpleChain

from langchain.prompts import FixedPrompt

from import Repl

# Initialize LangChain components

llm = OpenAI(api_key=’your_openai_api_key’)

prompt = FixedPrompt(prompt_template=’What would you like to do?’)

repl = Repl()

# Set up the chain

chain = SimpleChain(llms=[llm], tools=[repl], prompt=prompt)

# Function to start the agent

def start_agent():

. while True:

. user_input = input(‘How can I assist you? ‘)

. response =

. print(response)

# Start the agent



This example illustrates how to set up a simple interaction with LangChain. You’ll need to enter your own API key where indicated and adjust the prompt template to suit your needs. Additionally, you’ll likely want to add more advanced functionalities, such as speech recognition and synthesis, and integration with external APIs for flight booking.

Remember, this is just a basic outline to get you started. For a more detailed guide, you can refer to the LangChain documentation and tutorials⁴. Good luck with your project! 🚀

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 02/08/2024

(1) LangChain Agents: Simply Explained!.

(2) LangChain Agents: A Simple, Fast-Paced Guide.

(3) LangChain Explained in 13 Minutes | QuickStart Tutorial for Beginners.

(4) Build an Agent | ️ LangChain.

(5) Build an Agent | ️ Langchain.

(6) Implementing Agents in LangChain – Comet.

(7) langchain.agents.react.agent.create_react_agent – LangChain 0.2.11.

(8) undefined.



Girish Kurup

Passionate about Writing . I am Technology & DataScience enthusiast. Reach me